Innovation for impact
Making sure your corporate innovation strategy delivers outcomes.
Our evidence, validated through a recent survey of 300 innovation executives, highlights that the majority of business leaders believe they still don’t have the capability and/or capacity to deliver innovation that drives real and lasting business value.
While there is a willingness to innovate there remains significant roadblocks and risks.
8 out of 10 innovation leaders agree that there is a gap in linking innovation activity and outcome.
83% of innovation leaders agree that executive sponsorship is critical to the success of an innovation project.
The marjority agreed 6 to 12 months is the ideal time-frame for innovation to have the best chance of success.
The marjority agreed 6 to 12 months is the ideal time-frame for innovation to have the best chance of success..
70% of those surveyed saw risk aversion as the main barrier to moving innovation through organisations quickly.
Innovation for Impact
Making sure your corporate innovation strategy delivers outcomes.
Our evidence, validated through a recent survey of 300 innovation executives, highlights that the majority of business leaders believe they still don’t have the capability and/or capacity to deliver innovation that drives real and lasting business value.
While there is a willingness to innovate there remains significant roadblocks and risks.

8 out of 10
innovation leaders agree that there is a gap in linking innovation activity and outcome.
83% of innovation leaders agree that executive sponsorship is critical to the success of an innovation project.
33% strongly agree that external partners are required for support at various stages of an innovation project.
6 to 12 months is the ideal time-frame for innovation to have the best chance of succes the majority agreed.
70% of those surveyed saw risk aversion as the main barrier to moving innovation through organisations quickly.
What we know
Innovation must contribute to delivering on strategy
Innovation must solve a problem and in turn drive “valued” outcomes aligned to KPIs
Innovation should be disciplined, pragmatic, honest and commercially focused
Innovation is about culture, mindset, capability and capacity vs any particular methodology
In the age of CX innovation should end in a customer benefit
Innovation needs a champion(s) and artefacts and evidence to take, and keep, the right people on the journey
As always it comes down to people – how they feel, what they think and relationships that work
Since 2013, Slingshot has worked with some of Australia's leading organisations like HCF, News Corp, Qantas, Lion, Clubs NSW and Caltex. Through our adaptable model Slingshot focuses on innovation that delivers on an organisation’s strategy and that leaves a cultural mark.